Why use video to promote your business?

The value of video marketing is well known, with one industry survey suggesting that 86 per cent of marketing professionals use video as part of their marketing strategy.

There’s been an explosion in the number of video services available, but the question is: which service is the best one for your business? Ask us, of course, and we’ll say Pixigon, but read on to make sure you’re in the right place.

Pixigon offers a niche video marketing platform specifically designed to give young and emerging companies a swift and cost-effective way to grab their target market’s attention.

There’s an awful lot written about the effectiveness of video marketing, often by or for the very companies that offer marketing-video services, but few, if any, of the services out there cater specifically for the small businesses. That’s where Pixigon comes in.

The thing that makes Pixigon different is that it is designed by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs.

The team behind Pixigon has walked in your shoes — we know how hard it can be to break through and get the market share a good product or service deserves. That’s why we decided to do something about it.

We wanted to make effective video marketing accessible to all, and we drew heavily upon our own start-up experiences when we laid out the parameters for Pixigon: it had to be very easy to use, highly effective and well within the budget of small start-ups. We think we’ve succeeded.

Why Video Marketing is So Effective

Human beings are primarily sight-and-hearing orientated, so it should come as no surprise to learn that one of the best ways to grab people’s attention is via the audio-visual route.

The key to a successful marketing video is to distil your message and encapsulate it in a way that makes people feel, think, and act. The principles are simple, but the methods are myriad.

This is where Pixigon scores so heavily: it puts you in total control of all the available options, while gently guiding you through the whole process of creating the right video for your business.

Crafting a Marketing Video is Easier Than Ever Before and Not as Expensive as You Might Think

There’s nothing new about video marketing — video advertising is as old as the first moving images — but what has changed is its availability and ease of use.

By using the wealth of digital media now at our disposal — video, images, voice, music and infographics — and by making use of the latest advances in AI, it’s become quick and easy to create effective videos for surprisingly little outlay.

Creating a Video Will Sharpen Your Offering

The hardest part of creating a marketing video — regardless of the service you finally choose — is to distil your message into 30-60 seconds of punchy, persuasive, easily assimilated audio-visual.

Every challenge has a silver lining, however. The struggle to hone your message can have the unexpected benefit of motivating you to refine all your other marketing material, including your homepage.

Creating a marketing video makes you appraise your offering from the standpoint of the consumer, not the producer, and that’s a real benefit when it comes to selling your product, either online, in writing, or in person.

Try it out Sign up and create a video. We are here for you if you need any help.